Wolf Kahn, Red in Back, 1994, Monotype, Framed size: 23 x 25 inches

Wolf Kahn loved to teach; no doubt influenced by his teacher Hans Hofmann. Wolf traveled throughout his career for weekend workshops to universities to teach painting, pastel and/or printmaking. He preferred short workshops. Wolf was offered full-time faculty positions but described himself more as a "free spirit" when asked why he would not settle down in one art department.

For his own work, Wolf also immensely enjoyed collaborative short stints in a print studio with a master printer to create unique works on paper. The fast pace of making monotypes using a huge etching press, hundreds of inks, and a large sheet was exciting. The final outcome was uncertain—often a pleasant surprise. He applied water-based inks in liquid and crayon form to a zinc plate. The inks were then transferred to a wet sheet by an etching press before the ink & paper dried. This type of printmaking is time-sensitive. After a few days working with the printer, his FREE SPIRIT would return to his studio to await the dried monotypes for editing and signing.

Wolf was focused on intersections. The tension between order and chaos, the contrast between land and sky, and the opposites on the color wheel. He loved the drama of both color and light. These rich compositional elements are part of his breathtaking monotypes on view in gallery neptune & brown's FREE SPIRIT exhibition.

For further information please contact Chris Neptune at chris@neptunefineart.com or 202 986- 1200.